Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Achievements

This is the pictures of our liver cancer cell after the histochemical staining! Eosin (the red dye) and hematoxylin (the blue dye) is added to the cell so thats why everything is redish purplish.

Problems we faced: Well our samples on the tissue decided to take a swim in the buffered solution. Some of the other team's samples literally went down the drain. We had to solve this by using a micropipette to put small droplets of PBS onto it, then taking it out with the micropipette again. We kept doing that until we thought it was clean of excess dye.

This is the picture of the liver cell under a fluorescence microscope and after it was stained with hoescht dye. The blue spots are the nucleus that has been stained and the other lighter blue is the the cytoplasm with the other organelles. Note that the organelles and the cytoplasm do not have any color. The blue is from the glowing nucleus.

Problems we faced: At first we couldn't see anything. No matter what the student mentors tried, we just saw one whole patch of black! We were advised to redo everything and then avoid placing the mounting media (a type of liquid that prevent air bubbles to be placed found under the coverslip). In the end, thanks to our student mentor, we got such brilliant pictures under the microscope!

This is Immunohistochemical staining! We first place a primary antibody that would seek and bind with the protein vinmentin. Vinmentin is a protein that is mostly found in cancerous cells, so we look for this in a potentially cancerous cell. Later we will put a secondary antibody, which would bind with the primary antibody and release an enzyme. Once we put a subtrate in, the enzyme and the substrate would form a brown precipitate that would appear at the areas the vinmentin is found.
Problems we faced: At first we couldn't really see anything, but later when we went to the microscope that has the camera and got this pictures. Otherwise everything quite smoothly

This is a picture of someone's hair :D

After all of this we had a presentation! 

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